- Qatar plays a balanced role in the Arabian Gulf through its policy (which is commensurate with the situation in the region) and its dealings with many events that have encroached on the Arab arena and created a wide gap between most Arab countries in conjunction with the Arab Spring revolutions.

- Qatar plays a balanced role in the Arabian Gulf through its policy (which is commensurate with the situation in the region) and its dealings with many events that have encroached on the Arab arena and created a wide gap between most Arab countries in conjunction with the Arab Spring revolutions.
ÇáÎãíÓ, 25-ãÇíæ-2017

Sama press

Qatar plays a balanced role in the Arabian Gulf through its policy (which is commensurate with the situation in the region) and its dealings with many events that have encroached on the Arab arena and created a wide gap between most Arab countries in conjunction with the Arab Spring revolutions.

With reference to media, Qatar dedicated its tremendous capabilities to the discussion of root causes and the presentation of ideas through the mouths of big politicians, analysts and media specialists. In this way, it has played an important role in conveying many facts to the public opinion. Through its approach of bringing together divergent opinions (this and other opinions), it has also contributed positively into the treatments and solutions of many escalating crises which have been exacerbated amid the chaos of unwise discourse and the desire of some countries to fuel sedition and keep nurturing turbulence in the region in order to achieve secretive, illegitimate goals. A crystal-clear example of this is the suspicious role played by UAE in the south of Yemen, and its heinous attempt to divide Yemen in two parts as observed in its scandalous support of the recently announced Southern Transitional Council.

The GCC media has always relied (and still does) on the striking power of Qatari media and its ability to reach out and draw facts directly from the heart of event. Qatari media managed to put forward a lot of bold and pressing issues that had caused embarrassment, headache and sleeplessness to many officials. For these reasons, Qatar has become a target and an enemy to many who see it not only as a milestone of development and a piece of gold at the east of the Arabian Gulf but also as a source of pain in the hearts of those (culprits, seditionists and warlords) indicated at by the finger of suspicion.

Thus, the qualitative leapfrogs achieved by Qatar in various fields and its significant development superiority at regional as well global levels have stirred the concerns of many. The list includes yesterday’s Emirati brother, who has turned today into a lurching enemy, malignantly intent on harming the benevolent Doha, as a result of Dubai’s irritated attitude at Qatar’s firm stances on political or military involvement of any party whatsoever into other parties.

It is not surprising that Qatar has turned into a target of vicious intentions even at the expense of disrupting the GCC’s cooperation among the six countries. Apparently, all it takes is to graft accusations, falsities, defamation and anything that would put Doha under a GCC’s guillotine on basis of an illusion that Qatar is betraying its allies and ravenously gnawing at the bones of its neighbors while pretentiously offering honey to them.

It is customary that a culprit or suspicious person keeps looking for ways out to safety. In politics, a perpetrator always wants to be successful in playing the role of the victim, even if by using all prohibited means to achieve ends, regardless of making sacrifices in terms of dignity or political and economic weight. This banal and suspicious role is exactly what some parties intended to do in order to hurt Qatar – as they wrongfully imagined – so that they could realize their undeclared interests and hide crimes against humanity and morality which would harm the Gulf region in particular, and all Arab countries in general.

The famous tower in UAE moved and recklessly announced that “Qatar is preying on the Arab Coalition”, and seeks to thwart the efforts of Saudi Arabia, UAE and other allies to serve a party watching the game players and threads from afar. There were allegations that the Qatari media had been exploiting its influence subversively to rip the boat of all the countries of the region. These and many other similar rumors have been unleashed as a prelude to amputate the tongue and perhaps break the neck later, if necessary. In politics, no brothers last forever, and no friendship bears fruit all the time.

The plot has become clear. The rival has started to express himself naively, and the media attack against Qatar has become more flagrant without the need for washing powder.

The UAE took the lead in the campaign and, in arrogance and without justification, insisted on portraying Doha as a bitter enemy that harbors hatred against everyone, on basis of fragile misconceptions too immature that even a child’s mind would not have a room for them and would dismiss them as irrelevant nonsense.
ÊãÊ ØÈÇÚÉ ÇáÎÈÑ Ýí: ÇáÃÍÏ, 19-ãÇíæ-2024 ÇáÓÇÚÉ: 08:30 Õ
íãßäß ÇáæÕæá Åáì ÇáÕÝÍÉ ÇáÃÕáíÉ ÚÈÑ ÇáÑÇÈØ: http://www.awraqpress.net/portal/news-20855.htm